Marques et poinçons d'armes à feu en Belgique = Handels- en keurmerken op vuurwapens in België = Trade- & hallmarks on firearms in Belgium / … fall of Constantinople and the Papacy in Rome / Edward Gibbon ; ed. and with an introd. by Felipe Fernández-Armesto Normans in Italy and the crusades / Edward Gibbon ; ed. and with an introd. by Felipe Fernández-Armesto Mohammed and the rise of the Arabs / Edward Gibbon ; ed. and with an introd. by Felipe Fernández-Armesto Justinian and the Roman law / Edward Gibbon ; ed. and with an introd. by Felipe Fernández-Armesto end of the western empire / Edward Gibbon ; ed. and with an introd. by Betty Radice turn of the tide / Edward Gibbon ; ed. and with an introd. by Betty Radice organization and administration of the lines of communication in war / by George Armand Furse Entwicklung der Feuertaktik der Infanterie : geschichtlicher Abriß / von Reinhold Günther Lieb Vaterland magst ruhig sein / von Hajo Schedlich und Fred Oberhauser ; vorw. von Carl Amery Poliorcétique des anciens, ou de l'attaque et de la défense des places avant l'invention de la poudre / Dureau de la Malle Histoire de France / Jul. Michelet