Ammunition Supply. FM 9-6. Ordnance Sevice in the Field. FM 9-6. Ordnance Field Maintenance. FM 9-10. Ordnance Maintenance and General Supply in the Field. FM 9-10. Ordnance Company, Dept. FM 9-25. Ordnance Battalion. Infantry Division. FM 9-25 Regulation for Army. Ordnance Services. War. Pamphlet no. 20. Vol. 2. Planning Data. WO 6049 (4051) Army transportation movements management. - USA Voorschrift Field Manual 55-10 Handbook of German Administration and Supply Regulation for supply, transport, and barrack services. WO. 370 Regulation for Army Ordnance Service. Pamphlet no. 42. Volume 3. Presarvation of Ordnance Store-Plant and Layout. WO 1748 Geneeskundige bevoorrading. VR 3340