Army Training Memorandum. Number 52. 1945 - Engeland Voorschrift Basic and Battle Physical Training. Part III. Syllabus of Battle Physical Training and Battle Physical Efficiency Tests, WO 7117 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/1530 Military Training Pamphlet. no.3.The Defence. (Adapted for use in A.M.F.) Military Training Pamphlet. no. 42. Mechanized Movement by Road. WO 7661 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 45. Bomb Reconnaissance and Protection Against Unexploded Boms. (All Arms).. WO 7655 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 46. Part 4. Camouflage.Vehicles, wheeled and tracked Military Training Pamphlet. no. 46. Camouflage. All Arms. 1941. Part 5: Artillery with te Field Army Principles of Training. Training Regulations, 1934. WO 7017 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/G.S. Publications/1549 Weapon Training Memorandum. no. 7 - Engeland Voorschrift Weapon Training Memorandum. no. 8 - Engeland Voorschrift Algemeen voorschrift voor het houden van oefeningen. (A.V.O.) - KNIL Voorschrift, DvO 7A-12 Algemeen voorschrift voor het houden van oefeningen. (A.V.O). - KNIL Voorschrift, DvO 7A-12a