Gunnery instruction memorandum : Short Base Flash Ranging for Marine Field Artillery Gunnery instruction memorandum : Construction and Use of a Rapid Computer for Survey Traverses Materiel instruction memorandum : Sighting and laying equipment for field artillery materiel Materiel instruction memorandum : The Firing Battery 155mm Howitzer M1 Tactics instruction memorandum : Radio voice procedure for field artillery Logarithmic trigonometric and short-base tables Gunnery instruction memorandum : Use of Photomaps in Field Artillery Battalion Survey and Unobserved Fire Gunnery instruction memorandum : Laying A Mosaic by Radial Line Method Gunnery instruction memorandum : The Aerial O.P. Materiel instruction memorandum : Field Artillery Ammunition Persoonsgebonden ensemble van D.A. Nederlof, bestaande uit onder andere voorschriften en persoonlijke documenten "Ike" Eisenhower / door Karel H.M. van den Berg ; woord vooraf van Z.K.H. Prins Bernhard