Small Arms Training. Volume I, Pamphlet No. 8, Mortar (2-inch) 1942 - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. Volume I, Pamphlet No. 8, Mortar (2inch), 1942 - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. Volume I, Pamphlet N°. 9, Mortar (3-inch), 1944 - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. Pamphlet no.11. Volume I. Pistool (.38-inch). 1941 - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. Pamphlet no.11. Volume I. Pistool (.38-inch) 1942 - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. Pamphlet no.12. Volume I. Bayonet, 1942 - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. Pamphlet no.13. Volume I. Grenade, 1942 - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. Volume I, Pamphlet No. 24, Projector, Infantry, Anti-Tank (PIAT) 1943. - Engeland Voorschrift Signal Training. Vol. II. Part II. Wireless. 1936. - Engeland Voorschrift Signal Training. Pamphlet no. 3. Maintenance of Signal Equipment in the Field. Part IV. Teleprinters 7B (WD). 1945 - Engeland Voorschrift Signal Training. Pamphlet no. 8. Signal Office Organization and Procedure. Part II. Procedure for Telephone Switchboard Operating. 1945 - Engeland Voorschrift Text Book of Ammunition. Pamphlet no. 5. Small Arms Ammunition. 1944. - Engeland Voorschrift