Military Training Pamphlet. no.23. Part I. General Principles, Fighting Troops and Their Characteristics. (All Arms). WO 7630 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 30. Part VI. Field Engineering (All Arms). Demolitions. WO. 7636 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 40. Mines and Booby Traps. Part I. (All Arms). How te deal with individual mechanisms Military Training Pamphlet. no. 32. Warfare in the Far East (Provisional). WO 7663 Military Training Pamphlet. no.51. Preparation for Warfare in the Far East. (All Arms). no. 7662 Military Training Pamphlet. no.39. The Infantry (Rifle). Battailion. Part I. Organization and Characteristics, The Carrier Platoon Signal Training. Pamphlet no. 18. Volume III. Aerial Coupling Equipment "B". WO 7566 Signal Training. Pamphlet no.26. Volume III. Switchboard U.C. 10-Line and 6 Line. WO 7567 Signal Training Pamphlet no.1. Maintenance of Signal Equipment in the Field. Volume III. General Principles of Maintenance. WO 8505 Signal Training. Pamphlet no. 1. Volume no. 1. Signal Organization and Tactics.The Higher Organization of Signals. WO 8506 Signal Training. (All Arms). Pamphlet no.9. Training. WO 7068 Signal Training. (All Arms). Pamphlet no.2. Visual Signalling, 1942. WO 7211