Wagner-Fennel'schen Tachymeter der Fabrik geodätischer Instrumente von Otto Fennel Söhne in Cassel / A. Fennel Instrument flying : instruction book / Howard C. Stark Notes on repairs to fire control instruments. Part 47. Sights, DIal, Nos. 7, 7 A, B and C. WO 780 Directions for the use of artillery instruments. Pamphlet no. 6. Directors nos. 6 A and 7 to 7 B. 1942 electrical and mechanical engineering regulations Structure of instruments and searchlights part Hand Warmtebeeld-Kijker. IK 010271 Bevoorradingscatalogus. Groep F. Naamlijst Instrument- en Richtmiddelen TD 3 SNL FN-I Artillery Training Pamphlet. no.5. Survey. Volume VI. General Principles and Practice of Sound Ranging, WO 7311 Directions for the use artillery Instrument. Pamphlet no.1. Air Burst Ranging Charts. WO 7330 Directions for the use of artillery instruments. Pamphlet no.3. The Slide Rule, 1937. WO 7332 Directions of the use Artillery Instrument. Pamphlet no.8. The Comparator, Sound Ranging. WO 7336 Directions for the use of artillerie instruments Pamphlet no.9. Recorder, Sound Ranging, no.1, Marks II, III, and IV. WO 7337