cadence system of teaching close order drill / by Bernard Lentz tm Instrument lights M19, M31, M34, M35, M37, M38, M47, 6578454 and 7983714, 1955 marine corps museum monograph series U.S. Marine Corps Marksmanship Badges from 1912 to the present / by Michael D. Visconage chiefs of naval operations and admiral's house History of United States naval operations : Korea / by James A. Field Jr ; with a forew. by Ernest McNeill Eller Gegevens buitenlandse luchtmachten : Verenigde Staten van Noord Amerika / Ministerie van Oorlog. Luchtmachtstaf Dictionary of American naval fighting ships / Navy Department, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Naval History Division Vietnamese bestand onder de loupe / H. J. Neuman Colorado salutes the air force academie : guide and directory / Philip T. Flaxman Dictionary of American naval fighting ships / Navy Department. Naval History Division, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations : Vol.2 Air power : key to survival / by Alexander P. De Seversky f.t.p. Landing operations doctrine / United States Navy, Office of Naval Operations, Division of Fleet Training