Neutrale volkeren en de oorlog / door James Bryce ; [vert. uit het Engels] tweevoudig verbond contra de drievoudige Entente : (het wereldconflict als een rechtsgeding behandeld) / door James M. Beck ; [uit het Engelsch] in het Nederlandsch … history of the second world war. united kingdom military series Grand strategy : September 1939 - June 1941 / by J.R.M. Butler / J.R.M. Butler bulletin Studies of syphilis / by Charles F. Craig and Henry J. Nichols. With introduction by Frederick F. Russell Dutchman looks at Cyprus / [by James H. Huizinga] Face to face with kaiserism / by James W. Gerard rise and fall of the Japanese empire / by David H. James truth about Soviet Russia / by Sidney and Beatrice Webb ; with a pref. on the Webbs by Bernard Shaw and a summary of the … frogmen : the story of the wartime underwater operators / by T.J. Waldron and James Gleeson law of nations : an introduction to the international law of peace / J.L. Brierly War in three dimensions : the impact of air-power upon the classical principles of war / E.J. Kingston-McCloughry Disarmament : the challenge of the nineteen sixties / by James P. Warburg