Geglazuurde herinneringstegel "K.M.A. DE ARTILLERIST" tbv de Koninklijke Militaire Academie (kleuren: rood/wit/zilver/zwart/geel) Rood metalen generaals wandbord Bruin leren foedraal tbv en met tang en vijl Cigarette firms send the different batteries cigarettes and the Sergeant is seen receiving a packet Troops receive many presents of cigarette from various manufacturers at home. They are much appreciated Twelve horse teams are used in taking ammunition over the heavy ground Tea-time for three Belgian artillerymen A limber gets off the road Taking ammunition up to the guns, British light railways played a great part in the new advance Watching British guns pounding the Boche Watching British guns pounding the Boche In de buurt van Boesinghe. Een groep Britsche Tommy's kijkt naar het ontploffen van granaten