Tome Premier. Tome Second. Tome Troisieme. Tome Cinquie'me. Tome Sixie'me. Geglazuurde herinneringstegel "DETEACHEMENT KERNINSTRUCTEURS/ LEOPARD 2 EN LEOPARD 1-V" (kleuren: wit/grijs/zwart) Sabel, pallas, met wapen van Mattheus Lestevenson (1749-1797), met schede The King chatting to William Rowland, an Australian fitter of Messrs. Rankin & Blackmore H.M. the King passing through the shops at Messrs H.M. the King watches the rivetters at work H.M. the King interested in the work of the girl plate cutter using the mixed jet flame cutter H.M. the King cuts the cord and launches a ship in the Greenock & Grangemouth shipyard