Ancient & historic metals : conservation and scientific research : proceedings of a symposium organized by the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Getty Conservation … museum meanings Learning in the museum / George E. Hein Nederlandse musea / uitg. in opdracht van het Ministerie van Cultuur, Recreatie en Maatschappelijk werk Geïllustreerde gids van het Museum Bronbeek, Arnhem c.i.b.s. lighting guide Museums and art galleries / The Chartered Institution of Building Services (Lighting Division), London Museum Indonesia / [penanggung jawab umum: Joop Ave ; penanggung jawab naskah: Soedarmadji J.H. Damais... et al. ; penulis umum: Pangkoesmijoto Pr.... et al.] Museum Olah Raga Taman Mini Indonesia Indah art and its histories Contemporary cultures of display / ed. by Emma Barker All the presidents' cars / text: Petr Kozisek, National Technical Museum, Prague Castle Riding School , Administration museums of the armed services / report by a working party, Museums & Galleries Commission marine corps museum monograph series U.S. Marine Corps Marksmanship Badges from 1912 to the present / by Michael D. Visconage Gids voor de bezoekers van het Nederlands Legermuseum te Leiden / samenstelling: J.W.A. van Eyk ; foto's: W.P.M. van der Mark