Materiel instruction memorandum : The Firing Battery 155mm Howitzer M1 Tactics instruction memorandum : Radio voice procedure for field artillery Logarithmic trigonometric and short-base tables Gunnery instruction memorandum : Use of Photomaps in Field Artillery Battalion Survey and Unobserved Fire Gunnery instruction memorandum : Laying A Mosaic by Radial Line Method Gunnery instruction memorandum : The Aerial O.P. Materiel instruction memorandum : Field Artillery Ammunition Types of naval officers drawn from the history of the British Navy with some account of the conditions of naval warfare at the beginning of … wachter der zeeën : de onvermoeide waakzaamheid der Britsche marine deutschen Luftstreitkräfte im Weltkriege / unter mitw. von 29 Offizieren und Beamten der Heeres- und Marine-Luftfahrt nach amtlichen Quellen herausg. von Georg Paul Neumann Répertoire général des lois, décrets, ordonnances, réglements et instructions sur la marine / François Blanchard Germany's high sea fleet in the world war / by Admiral Scheer