mcgraw-hill series in undergraduate chemistry Organic chemistry / James B. Hendrickson, Donald J. Cram, George S. Hammond bibliothèque de l'histoire du droit et des institutions droit international : la guerre / Henry James Sumner Maine ; trad. de l'angl. ; [précédé d'une conférence de Fred. Pollock] Gun tools : their history and identification : volume 2 / by James Shaffer, R. Stephen Dorsey Zeit zerbricht : aus dem Briefwechsel zweier Berner Offiziere [Ludwig und Gottlieb von May] in holländischen Diensten mit ihrer Familie während der Jahre 1789-1796 / … Factory lay-out planning & progress with special reference to engineering / by W.J. Hiscox everyman's library history of England from the accession of James II / by Thomas Babington Macaulay everyman's library history of England from the accession of James II / Thomas Babington Macaulay : II Analyse und Verfälschung der Nahrungsmittel / James Bell : 1 Transvaal from within : a private record of public affairs / by J. P. Fitzpatrick Action between British and Italian forces off Cape Spartivento on 27th November 1940 / by James F. Somerville wolseley series / ed. by walter h. james Indian frontier warfare / by G.J. Younghusband Antique pistol collecting (1400-1860) / by James Frith, Ronald Andrews