aircam aviation series Sharkmouth 1945-1970 / ill. and comp. by Richard Ward miscellaneous publications Microbiological deterioration of organic materials : it's prevention and methods of test / by Edward Abrams century of achievement : a story of one hundred years of arms making in recognition of the Colt company's 100th anniversary: 1836 - 1936 / … American college dictionary / ed. by Clarence L. Barnhart ; with the assis. of 355 authorities and specialists economic mobilization studies Technological progress / Industrial College of the Armed Forces Roosevelt and Hopkins : an intimate history : From Pearl Harbor to victory / Robert E. Sherwood Met het oog op de U.S.A. : voordrachten-cyclus / Werkgroep 2000 : 2: De Verenigde Staten en de NATO / A.L. Constandse senate report Additional report of the special committee investigating the national defense program pursuant to S. Res. 71 (77th Congress; S.Res. 6, 78th Congress and S.Res. 55, … Officer's manual / by major Jas. A. Moss general foreign policy series Our foreign policy G-1 manual : functions of the assistant chief of staff, G-1 / Command and General Staff College Fort Smith national cemetry / administered by Chief Support Services, department of the army ; under immediate supervision of Chief, National Cemetry supervising office