Kuropatkin’s life in the field: the general’s Manchurian headquarters. Kuropatkin’s successor and commander: general Linievitch, appointed to the command of the Manchurian forces. The Hornets of the Russian retreat: the Japanese cavalry. The creation of a Russian Committee of National Defence: the president. Serving a gun in rough weather on board a Japanese battle-ship. Captive in Japan’s triumph: Russia’s vanquished admiral. The great awakening in China. An official reception in China: varieties and diplomacy. Overzicht met tekeningen en beschrijvingen Nederlandse militaire vliegtuigen in Engelse taal Poster met crash-rescue procedures and cockpit safety F- & RF-84F Affiche werving KVV korporaals en onderofficieren Poster "Zo moet het"; over het dragen van Luchtmacht uniformen