The battle of Flanders Official photograph of Gemerais. Visit to the British Western front. Artillerymen outside dug out. A tractor having brought up a big gun gets temporarily stuck but this does not stop the gunners getting quickly into action Mr Ben Tillett drinks coffee with troops at a Y.M.C.A. depot Mr. Ben Tillett British Labour Member of Parliament saying good-bye to some transport men. The prime minister in France. Mr. Chamberlain - wearing a mackintosh over a purplish suit of plus fours, and with canvas puttees on his legs … R.A.F. fighter bombers smashes V2 targets. R.A.F. Wing tempest shoots down eleven German aircraft U.S. Soldiers cross the rhine Stoomlocomotief nadert over de brug Vrouwen in islamitische gewaden met kinderen bij een rode kruiswagen