3AПAMTИTE BAЖHY O3HAKY ПOMOЋY KOJE ЋETE OПИCATИ MJECTO OДPACПИMA! ПA3ИTE MИHE HE БИPAJY OHE YБИJAJY ИЛИ HAHOCE ПOBPEДE En vedette For queen and country. The soldiers of the great city - City imperial volunteers in action during the Boer War, 1900 The cavalry regiments of the British army painted for 'The graphic' by major John Mathews Het verlies der Britsche kanonnen aan de Toegela-rivier. Seen through the glasses at Liaoyang: a gallant Russian battery that would not be beaten The first Minnesota. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863 - The National Guard Heritage The fourth Alabama. Manassas, Virginia, July 21, 1861 - The National Guard Heritage The First Muster Salem, Massachusetts, 1637 - The National Guard Heritage U 31 - History of the First World War