unsolved problems of European defense / by Henry A. Kissinger General report on Alliance security in the 1980's / pres. by Michael Forrestall, general rapporteur General report on Alliance security / pres. by Michael Forrestall, general rapporteur General report on the security of the Alliance : the role of nuclear weapons / Klaas G. de Vries Manpower issues for NATO : motivation and mobilisation / interim report of the sub-committee on manpower and personnel, pres. by Adriaan Ploeg Final report of the sub-committee on detente / pres. by Paul De Vlies bernard & graefe aktuell Islam und die NATO : Bedrohung an der Südflanke / Gregor M. Manousakis treaties and other international acts series Defense of Iceland pursuant to North Atlantic treaty : status of United States Personnel and Property : annex to the agreement of may 5, 1951, … house report United States Military aid and supply programs in western Europe / United States Senate Committee on Government Operations publikatie van de atlantische commissie NAVO en de nieuwe naties : verslag van het studentenseminar georganiseerd door de S.I.B./N.S.W. tezamen met de W.U.S. op 22 en 23 febr. 1964 in … fifteen nations : special Michigan issue uitgave van de atlantische commissie begin van een begin : naar een Atlantische gemeenschap / [door P. Brijnen van Houten]