Air Force Pamphlet. Intelligence Activities. Characteristics of the Northwest USSR and Rusian Language Guide. AFP 200-2-6 Velddienst. Militaire tekens en militaire afkortingen. VS 2-1120/2 Maleise woordenlijst en vragen ten behoeve van de Geneeskundige Dienst - Koninklijke Landmacht Voorschrift : Algemene Aanwijzingen Nr 50 Techniques of Military Instructions. FM 21-6 Nederlands Handboek over het NATO-Codificatiesysteem. Alfabetische Naamlijst. 17-H-6-1 Field Service Pocket Book Part 1. Pamphlet no. 3. Abbreviations. WO 7161 Field Service Pocket Book Part I. Pamphlet no. 1. Glossary of Military Terms Field Service Pocket Book Part I. Pamphlet 3. Abbreviations Standardization Agreement. Accord de Standardisation. Military Symbols. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Stanag no. 2019 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section S 2. Ammunition for medium, heavy (Field Army) and Coast Artillery (Non Explosives) and empty packages. WO 288 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section R 2. Ammunition for Field, Mountain, Tank, Anti-Tank and A.A. Artillery (Non-explosives) and Empty Packages. WO 286 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section R 1. Ammunition for Field, Mountain, Tank, Anti-Tank and A.A. Artillery (explosives). WO 285