Training Pamphlet no.13. Royal Army Service Corps. Bacon. WO 7611 Training Pamphlet no.14. Royal Army Service Corps. Breadstuffs Training Pamphlet no.15. Royal Army Service Corps.Groceries and Hospital Supplies; Ales, Stout, Spirits and Wines; Indian Supplies. WO 7613 Training Pamphlet no.16. Royal Army Service Corps. Composition of Food and Canning. WO 7614 Training Pamphlet no. 17. Royal Army Service Corps. Fuel and Light; Disinfectants, Water Purification and Softening; Miscellaneous Chemicals. WO 7615 Training Memorandum. no. 19. Royal Engineers. WO 7064 Training Memorandum. no. 6. Royal Signals. WO 7558 Training Memorandum. no. 7. Royal Signals. WO 7559 Training Memorandum. no. 8. Royal Signals. WO 7560 Small Arms Training. Volume V. Small Arms Range Regulations, WO 7242 Signal Training in the junior training corps and army cadet force. WO 7078 Signal Training Pamphlet no. 3. Part I. Waterproving of signal equipment for protection during wading. (Provisional). WO 7570