Beantwoording schriftelijke vragen over de problematiek van de LRNTF-modernisering en de wapenbeheersing , 17 december 1979 atlantic policy studies troubled partnership : a re-appraisal of the Atlantic alliance / by Henry A. Kissinger studies in defense policy U.S. force structure in NATO: an alternative : a staff paper / [by] Richard D. Lawrence and Jeffrey Record Europa weerloos? : staan de Russen na 48 uren aan de Rijn? / R. Close ; woord vooraf door Henri Simonet ; [vert. uit het … security of Western Europe : a handbook / Frans A.M. Alting von Geusau Strengthening conventional deterrence in Europe : a program for the 1980s / European Security Study, report of the Special Panel: General Andrew J. Goodpaster ... … Atlantic Shield : the 40th anniversary of NATO clingendael-notitie Kosovo : van crisis tot crisis / Dick Leurdijk, Dick Zandee atlantic policy studies Atlantic idea and its European rivals / Harold van B. Cleveland ; [forw. by Charles M. Spofford] quantitative defense economics Modelling the defense expenditure dynamics between two potential opponents / H. Pastijn and W. Struys clingendael-cahier Voor hetzelfde geld meer defensie / P.M.E. Volten Joint Operations Centre Cannerberg : op verkenning / door Rick Moorman