Instruction provisoire sur l'organisation du terrain : Compléments a l'usage des troupes du génie / Ministère de la guerre. État-Major de l'armee Handboek voor den technischen dienst van de radiotelegraafafdeeling van het korps genietroepen van het Nederlandsch-Indische leger. Deel II : Lijndienst 2e Regiment genietroepen-pontonniers Land Mine Warfare. FM 20-32 Engineer Troop Organizations and Operations. FM 5-1 Engineer Troop Units. FM 5-5 Corps of Engineers. Construction and Routes of Communication. FM 5-10 Routes of Communication. FM 5-10 Corps of Engineers. Camouflage Basis Principles. FM 5-20 Camouflage of Individuals and Infantry Weapons. FM 5-20 A Camouflage of Rear Areas and Fixed Fortifications. FM 5-20G Explosives and Demolitions. FM 5-25