Pilot and observer getting their "togs" on prior to going out on a night bombing expedition - On the British western front in France - … A Tank taking a steep bank - Official photograph taken on the British western front in France Scene at a Tankdrome - Official photograph taken on the British western front in France decoratiegesp met vier batons: Kruis voor verdienste, France & Germany Star, Defence Medal, British War Medal [Groot Brittannië] Baton France and Germany Star [Groot Brittannië] Pigeons in military duty in France. A message from the trenches being removed from the leg of Night Howler Podium met voorstelling van David en Jonathan, ter gelegenheid van de intrede van de hertog van Anjou - La Ioyevse & magnifique Entre'e de Monseigneur … 1928. De Franc-tireur Jopie (de zoon van den Res. 1e Luit. Mulder) collection les armes et les hommes Patrouille de France : panache dans l'azur / Christian Guillet Waterloo archive : previously unpublished or rare journals and letters regarding the Waterloo campaign and the subsequent occupation of France : Volume V : German … war, society, culture Race and war in France : colonial subjects in the French army, 1914-1918 / Richard S. Fogarty campaign Bayonne and Toulouse 1813-14 : Wellington Invades France / Nick Lipscombe ; ill. by Peter Dennis