Zóó leven wij in Indië / [onder auspiciën van Het Koloniaal Instituut samengest. o.l.v. C.W. Wormser] India's new aggresiveness in the "question of Goa" = Recrudescence de l'agressivité Indienne dans la "question de Goa" / Pedro Gómez Aparicio the case of goa frontier violations of August 15, 1955 : subsequent attacks on Portuguese consulates in the Indian region / Statements by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and … the case of goa Closing of the Portuguese consulates in the Indian Union / statement by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on August 20, 1955 to-day and to-morrow Paris, or The future of war / B.H. Liddell Hart Huzaren van Boreel 1813-2003 en de voorgeschiedenis 1695-1813 / Arie Rens zwarte beertjes rode boekje : citaten uit het werk van Mau Tse-toeng / C. Schepel tentoonstellingscatalogi en -brochures van de koninklijke bibliotheek Presenteer! : de Nederlandse militair twee eeuwen te boek (1795-1995) / [J.A.C. Bartels ; foto's: Chris Meijer] statutory instruments Reserve and auxiliary forces : industrial assurance statutory instruments Reserve and auxiliary forces : friendly societies Uniforms of the United States navy 1900 - 1967 Museums and the future of collecting / ed. by Simon J. Knell