Tanggoeng 1677 Het Wapen der Artillerie 1987 16 staatshoofden van het Europa der toekomst Although this might appear a lie yet Holland really is quite "dry" Kobus kwak and his musical cow play for the allied troops Hey Bill, that Dutch girl smiled at me perhaps she'll ask me home to tea. The first time that I saw you Sid, I smiled, … Dronken doedelzakspelende Schot Liberated Holland 1945 If you bring me lots of soap than with your washing I can cope Liberated Holland 1945 Happy days are here again let's sing a song of cheer again Verzameling documenten m.b.t. de dienstbetrekking van Mw. H.C.Levisson bij het Hoofdkwartier der Nederlandse Troepen in Engeland 1945-1947 Zwart-wit portret A.J. Zondervan, commandant van de W.A. van de N.S.B. Zwart-wit portret van N.S.B.-er