kataloge des bayerischen armeemuseums ingolstadt deutsche Reichswehr : die Uniformierung und Ausrüstung des deutschen Reichsheeres von 1919 bis 1932 / Adolf Schlicht, Jürgen Kraus ; [Hrsg. Ernst Aichner] Veldgrijs : een beknopt overzicht van het veldgrijze tenue van het Nederlandse leger in de periode 1912-1940 / door M.C. Farla Van grijsgroen naar camouflage" : de (gevechts-)kleding van de Koninklijke Landmacht 1912-2000 / M. Talens ; eindred. Heleen Bronder, Guus de Vries Sturmtruppen : Österreichisch-ungarische Sturmformationen und Jagdkommandos im Ersten Weltkrieg : Kampfverfahren, Organisation, Uniformierung and Ausrüstung / M. Christian Ortner osprey military men-at-arms series cossacks / Albert Seaton ; ill. by Michael Youens osprey military men-at-arms series Frederick the Great's army / text by Albert Seaton ; colour plates by Michael Youens osprey military men-at-arms series Napoleon's Egyptian Campaigns, 1798-1801 / text by Michael Barthorp ; colour plates by Gerry Embleton osprey military men-at-arms series Napoleon's marshals / text by Emir Bukhari ; colour plates by Chris Warner osprey military men-at-arms series Napoleon's Italian and Neapolitan troops / text by Otto von Pivka ; colour plates by Mike Chappell osprey military men-at-arms series Prussian cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars : 1807-15 / Peter Hofschröer ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten osprey military men-at-arms series Prussian cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars : 1792-1807 / Peter Hofschröer ; colour plates by Bryan Fosten osprey military men-at-arms series Hungary and the fall of Eastern Europe 1000-1568 / text by David Nicolle ; colour plates by Angus McBride