Panzer / Philip Warner Heinz Guderian : opkomst en ondergang van de Duitse Panzerwaffe / Jaap Jan Brouwer Panzer und Motor in fremden Heeren : 72 ausgewählte neue Fotos mit Zahlenangaben und Erläuterungen / von Walther Nehring Inpassen of aanpassen? : tanks in het militaire denken in Frankrijk, Groot-Brittannië en Duitsland in de jaren '20 en '30 / Marc Luijting In the wake of the tank : the first fifteen years of mechanization in the British army / by Lieut.-Col. G. Le Q. Martel, D.S.O., … Pictorial history of tanks of the world, 1915-45 / Peter Chamberlain & Chris Ellis Panzer divisions of World War 2 afv/weapons profile Japanese medium tanks : (from Prototype No. 1 to Type 5 CHIRI) / by Tomio Hara afv/weapons profile Japanese combat cars, light tanks and tankettes / by Tomio Hara British tanks, 1915-1945 war, armed forces and society Men, ideas and tanks : British military thought and armoured forces, 1903-1939 / J.P. Harris devil's chariots : the birth and secret battles of the first tanks / John Glanfield