jane's yearbook Jane's weapon systems publicatie Inleiding tot het gebruik van de artillerie radar / Artillerieschool agard conference proceedings Aerospace telecommunications systems : papers presented at the 23rd technical meeting of the Avionics Panel of AGARD held in London, 15-18 May 1972 agard advisory report Technical evaluation report on AGARD specialists meeting on radar propagation in the arctic / by J. Frihagen ; contrib. by T. Hagfors [a.o.] handleiding Digitaal snelheidsmeten met de standaard telephone Doppler radar / [samenst.: W.B.G.M. Oude Vrielink] i.c.a.o. circular aircraft landing system utilizing decimetric waves (UHF) / published by authority of the Secretary General ; International Civil Avaiation Organization Extrapolating radar data of low-elevation trajectories of artillery-projectiles having unknown properties / J. Kooijman handleiding Rotatiemeting aan projectielen met behulp van Dopplerradar / [samenst.: M.H.J. Timmers ; tek.: P. v. Berge Henegouwen] manual / artillery experimental board Measuring projectile velocities inside the barrel of the gun and after leaving the muzzle with the aid of Doppler radar / [samenst.: L. Fortuin ; … Physisch Laboratorium TNO, 1927 - 1977 / [samengest. door J.L. van Soest] Military characteristics of a radar fire control system for light AA guns Gegevens betreffende de radar-vuurleidingsapparatuur voor de lt. luchtdoelartillerie in gebruik bij de Koninklijke Landmacht