Khaki Amerikaanse veldmuts met twee over elkaar weglopende randen en embleem met adelaar en anker Handgenerator G-76 A/G t.b.v. tempeertoestel M38, opgeborgen in rechthoekige groene tas Plaquette 'Industrial College of the Armed forces' Plastics engineering handbook of the Society of the Plastics Industry Industrial mobilization for war : history of the War Production Board and Predecesser Agencies, 1940-1945 / Civilian Production Administration. Bureau of Demobilization : Vol. 1: … contactgroep opvoering productiviteit Wie volgt ons op? : rapport betreffende de "management development" in het Amerikaanse bedrijfsleven / Contactgroep Opvoering Productiviteit. Studiegroep Industrie ; [uitgebr. onder leiding van … publication Economic mobilization studies : production national security management Elements of Defense Economics / Charles J. Hitch and Roland N. McKean national security management Studies in defense management/ comp. by Theodore W. Bauer and Richard H. Stephens ; in coll. with William P. Snyder national security management industrial sector / David L. Belden, Ernest G. Cammack economic mobilization studies War finance / Industrial College of the Armed Forces small business management series Improving materials handling in small plants / prep. by Technical Specialists in Private Industry