outline of missile propulsion and guidance / comp. by A.C. van Schaik Missiles of the world / [by] Michael J.H. Taylor and John W.R. Taylor Terminal guidance on the battlefield obtaining its potential payoff / Steven L. Canby Voordrachten over geleide wapens / C.C.A. Vogel : Besturing Ballistics of the future : with special reference to the dynamical and physical theory of the rocket weapons / J.M.J. Kooy and J.W.H. Uytenbogaart Om een evangelische politiek / [ten geleide door W.C.D. Hoogendijk ; met bijdr. van J.P.A. Mekkes ... et al.] 1951 - 1953 / [voorwoord F.J. Kranenburg ; ten geleide J.C. Stumphius ; ontwerpen J.H. Hogendoorn] Efficacité du tir antiaérien / par M.P. Idatte Rockets and guided missiles / John Humphries ; with a forew. by A.D. Baxter Guided missiles in war and peace / Nels A. Parson, Jr agardograph AGARD second guided missiles seminar : guidance and control : Papers presented at an AGARD Guided Missiles Seminar, held 24-28 September 1956, in Venice, Italy Voordrachten over geleide wapens / C.C.A. Vogel : Geleiding