Leçons d'artillerie conformes au programme de l'ecole militaire de l'artillerie et du génie de Versailles / Commandant E. Girardon electrical and mechanical engineering regulations (by command of the army council). telecommunications Drive and Monitor Unit, S.S.B., no. 1 : technical handbook - technical description electrical and mechanical engineering regulations (by command of the army council). telecommunications Equipment, radar, A.A., no. 4, MK. 6 (M.Z.P.I.) : technical handbook - field and base repairs Vade mecum" on battle procedure : including outline verbal orders : battalion commander to section commander / by J. Milling Leçons d'artillerie / Commandant E. Girardon Manual for commanders of infantry platoons / transl. from the French Handbook of the library services / the Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas Commandement intérieur d'un escadron de cavalerie General text book for the F.T. portable no.5, mark I / by command of the Army Council army education scheme Handbook of general education 1948 (provisional) / by command of the Army Council exercice du commandement / Colonel Gory Préparation tactique des officiers dans un groupe de batteries / Commandant Bourguet