collecting of guns / edited by James E. Serven. [Authors] William A. Albaugh III [and others] Design and layout by Simon Frankel Sniper : a history of the US marksman / Martin Pegler NATO handbook / [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Beknopt overzicht der Amerikaanse geschiedenis / [samengest. door Frances Friedman] Longman history of the United States of America / Hugh Brogan Naval customs, traditions, and usage / Leland Pearson Lovette United States navy : American Revolution to Vietnam - a brief survey of influence on America`s history / E.M. Eller Executive corridor / [United States Army. Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff] Indian trade guns Women in the military : an unfinished revolution / Jeanne Holm Military government / The Infantry School, Staff Department armed services edition Innocent merriment : an anthology of light verse / selected by Franklin P. Adams