Groene valhelm, Brits model Royal Armoured Corps No. 5 Mark 2 met embleem gevormd door de Nederlandse leeuw, gevechtswagenbemanning Prinses Irene Brigade baretgesp Royal Armoured Corps, WO II encyclopedie van tanks : de geillustreerde geschiedenis en een uitgebreid overzicht van tanks uit de hele wereld, met meer dan 500 foto's van historische en … Royal armoured corps journal Royal Armoured Corps / prep. for the War Office by Frank Owen and H.W. Atkins British Army equipment exhibition 1980 : mobility and firepower demonstration, 26 June 1980 / Royal armoured corps centre Tank Museum of the Royal Armoured Corps and the Royal Tank Regiment military training pamphlet Royal armoured corps : weapons Royal armoured corps : weapons : Ordnance Q. F. and S.A. 2-Pr. marks IX and X (or IX A and X A) Royal armoured corps : weapons : Crusader tank (I and II) and covenanter tank Royal armoured corps : weapons : Churchill I-II-III military training pamphlet Royal armoured corps weapons