Secret weapons : death rays, doodlebugs and Churchill's golden goose / Brian J. Ford atomic problem / J.M. Spaight Naar een nucleaire wereldorde / Godfried van Benthem van den Bergh ; [kopÐred. Sjoerd de Jong] Kernwapenbeheersing / Ministerie van Defensie. Directie Voorlichting cornell studies in security affairs Exporting the bomb : technology transfer and the spread of nuclear weapons / Matthew Kroenig militair-strategisch denken in de Verenigde Staten en de Sowjet-Unie : overeenkomsten en verschillen / G.C. Berkhof en P.M.E. Volten adelphi library impact of new military technology / ed. by Jonathan Alford Atomwaffen im Landkrieg / Colonel G.C. Reinhardt und Lieutenant Colonel W.R. Kintner ; Deutsch von General der Artillerie a.D. Anton Freiherr von Bechtolsheim War and Peace in the Space Age / by James M. Gavin ; Introduction by Brain Horrocks Nuclear tactics : weapons, and firepower in the Pentomic division, battle group, and company / Theodore C. Mataxis and Seymour L. Goldberg bison book Weapons of World War 3 / William J. Koenig nuclear revolution in Soviet military affairs / transl. [from the Russian] and ed., with introd. and commentary by William R. Kintner and Harriet Fast Scott