Defence of the West : some riddles of war and peace / by B.H. Liddell Hart first tank battle : Cambrai 1917 / Robert Woollcombe ; with a foreword by captain Sir Basil Liddell Hart History of the second world war / B.H. Liddell Hart remaking of modern armies / by B.H. Liddell Hart Strategy : the indirect approach / Basil Henry Liddell Hart Panzer leader / Heinz Guderian ; forew. by B.H. Liddell Hart ; transl. from the German by Constance Fitzgibbon defence of Britain / by B.H. Liddell Hart art of war future of infantry / by B.H. Liddell Hart current of war / by Liddell Hart History of the Second World War / B.H. Liddell Hart ; [voorw. van Kathleen Liddell Hart] Dynamic defence / Liddell Hart Gedanken zur Verteidigung Europas / B.H. Liddell Hart ; [uebertragung dieser Studie besorgte Arthur Ehrhardt]