Bataille de Waterloo - Plan du champ de bataille de Waterloo dit de la Belle-Alliance. Victoire mémorable remportée le 18 juin 1815 par les armées … De titelpagina van: Campaign of Waterloo : ill. with engraving of Les Quatre Bras, La Belle Alliance, Hougoumont, La Haye Sainte and other principal scenes … Waterloo. Conveying the French Cannon from the Field of Battle on the 24th July 1815. - Campaign of Waterloo : ill. with engraving of Les … Twee prenten in één afbeelding. 1. Hougomont, looking towards Waterloo. 2. La Haye Sainte, looking towards Waterloo. - Campaign of Waterloo : ill. with engraving … Twee prenten in één afbeelding. 1. Les Quatre Bras, looking towards Waterloo. 2. La Belle Alliance, looking towards Genappe. - Campaign of Waterloo : ill. … View from Mont St. Jean of The Battle of Waterloo, at the commencement of the grand Charge made on the French about 7 o Clock … Portraits of the British and their Allies - Campaign of Waterloo : ill. with engraving of Les Quatre Bras, La Belle Alliance, Hougoumont, La Haye … The Royal Family of France. The Family of Buonaparte. French Generals, Statesmen, & C. - Campaign of Waterloo : ill. with engraving of Les Quatre … A plan of the Glorious Battle of Waterloo, Fought on Sunday, June 18. 1815; Between the Allied Armies, under the command of His Grace the … La Belle Alliance gezien van de linkervleugel der geallieerden / Boomgaard La Haye (Sainte) Toppen van boomgaard van La Haye Sainte, straatweg en la Belle Alliance, gezien van Wellingtons rechtervleugel Ingang van La Haye Sainte. In de verte links La Belle Alliance