Decoratiegesp van negen onderscheidingen, militair opgemaakt: Orde van de Nederlandse leeuw, Bronzen Kruis, Oorlogsherinneringskruis, Ereteken voor Orde en Vrede, Officierskruis, Inhuldigingsmedaille 1948, Huwelijksmedaille 1962, Mobilisatiekruis … Lifelong Learning in museums : a European handbook / ed. by Kirsten Gibbs, Margherita Sani, Jane Thompson War in the shadows : the guerilla in history / by Robert B. Asprey Jane's aircraft recognition guide / David Rendall All the world's fighting ships : cosmopolitan naval annual / Naval Syndicate ; founded and ed. by Fred T. Jane Fighting ships / Naval Syndicate ; founded and ed. by Fred T. Jane Jane's infantry weapons jane's yearbook Jane's weapon systems jane's yearbooks Jane's armoured fighting vehicle systems / ed. by Tony Cullen, Christopher F. Foss jane's defence data Jane's military vehicles and logistics jane's yearbooks Jane's military logistics jane's defence data Jane's NATO handbook / ed. by Bruce George