R.O.F. : the story of the Royal Ordnance Factories 1939-1948 / by Ian Hay Malayan postcript / by Ian Morrison Vodjes papier" : Duitsche proclamaties in België en Frankrijk uitgevaardigd / met een woord ter inl. van Ian Malcolm (vert. van W. de Veer) assault on the West / by Ian Greig Carrying on : after the first hundred thousand / by Ian Hay War pictures behind the lines / by Ian Malcolm ... United Kingdom policy : foreign, strategic, economic / Charles Webster, Ian Jacob and E.A.G. Robinson men-at-arms series Boer Wars : 1898-1902 / Ian Knight Classy chassy / [compiled by] Ian Logan and Henry Nield history of artillery / Ian V. Hogg ; special artwork by John Batchelor warrior series Confederate Infantryman, 1861-65 / Ian Drury ; illustrated by C. Hook Zulu War : then and now / Ian Knight and Ian Castle