ICOMAM 50 : papers on arms and military history 1957-2007 / ed. by Robert Douglas Smith universal heritage of arms and military history : challenges and choices in a changing world. Icomam conference Vienna Acta 2007 Beschrijving hoedanig de koninklijke Nederlandsche troepen en alle in militaire betrekking staande personen gekleed, geëquipeerd en gewapend zijn : de bepalingen daaromtrent, de dimensien en … ICOMAM Conference October 2009 Proceedings / ICOMAM Icomam Rio 2008 alkenreeks Camouflage : proceedings of the International Congress on Uniforms organized by the Royal Museum of Armed Forces and of Military History in co-operations with ICOMAM … Proceedings of the ICOMAM Conference : October 2012 / ICOMAM ; [designed, edited and produced by Denise Broadfoot] Ambassadors of Dialogue : the role of diplomatic gifts and works of arts and crafts in intercultural exchange / edited by Michał Dziewulski ICOMAM congress: Military history museums : contemporary history and social relevance = Кoнфepeнция ИКOMAM: "Boeннo-иctopичeckиe мyэeи в koнtekcte coвpeмeннoй иctopии Boctpeбoвaннocть и aktyaльнocть" ICOMAM RIO 2013 / International Committee of Museums and Collections of Arms and Military History = Comitê Internacional dos Museus e das Coleções de Armas … War And Peace, Fear And Happiness : 100 years since the end of the World War I / edited by Andreja Rihter, PhD Preserving the military legacy : papers from the International Conference of the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Arms and Military History (ICOMAM) at …