summary of the history, construction and effects in warfare of the projectile-throwing engines of the Ancients : with a treatise on the structure, power and … warplanes of the third Reich / William Green ; with line-drawings by Dennis Punnett William the Third and the defence of Holland, 1672-4 / by Mary Caroline Trevelyan the observers series Observers aircraft / William Green ; with silhouettes by Dennis Punnett Wat is dat voor een vliegtuig? / William Green ; Ned. vert. van B. van der Klauw ; silhouetten van Dennis Punnett observer's basic military aircraft directory / comp. by William Green and Gordon Swanborough history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series economic blockade / by W.N. Medlicott gun; or, a treatise on the various descriptions of small fire-arms / By William Greener Groot-Brittannië en zijn onderhoorigheden / Lord Hailey ; [vert. uit het Engels] monographs on biochemistry nature of enzyme action / by W.M. Bayliss history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series Coal / by W.H.B. Court history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series Contracts and finance / William Ashworth