Subject guide to books and informations sheets / Imperial War Museum. Department of Printed Books Military small arms of the 20th century : a comprehensive illustrated encyclopedia of the world's small-calibre firearms, 1900-1977 / by Ian V. Hogg and John … Official Catalogue of the Royal United Service Museum Whitehall, S.W. / A. Leetham Capacitors : fixed and variable c.a.d. Inventaris van de archieven van de Garnizoenscommando's in Zeeland / J.M.M. Cuijpers, H.E.M. Mettes ; m.m.v. E.A. van Heugten, R. van Velden c.a.d. Inventaris van de archieven van de garnizoenscommando's in Overijssel 1903-1970 / J.M.M. Cuijpers, H.E.M. Mettes ; m.m.v. E.A. van Heugten, R. van Velden Katalog der historischen Sammlungen im Rathause in Luzern / Ed. A. Gessler [und] J. Meyer-Schynder ; Lichtdrucktafeln von Alfred Dittisheim studies in war and film Imperial war museum film catalogue / ed. by Roger J. Smither bibliotheca bibliographica neerlandica Crone Library : books on the art of navigation left by Dr. Ernst Crone to the Scheepvaart Museum in 1975 and books on the same … Canadian defence products Guns illustrated 1985 / ed. by Harold A. Murtz ; Gun Digest Military small arms of the 20th century : a comprehensive illustrated encyclopedia of the world's small-calibre firearms / Ian V. Hogg and John Weeks