Civil war in the making : "The combat groups of the working class" in East Germany / W. Bader ; introd. by the Right Honourable … Ordonnance Du Roi, Concernant Les Classes. Du 31 Octobre 1784. The Shipbuilder's Repository; Or, A Treatise On Marine Architecture. Wherein Are Contained, The Principles of the Art, With the Theory and Practical Parts fully explained; … krijgsdaden van Willem van Oranje / Georgius Benedicti ; vert. [uit het Latijn] en van comment. voorz. door coll. class c.n. E.D.E.P.O.L [redactieraad: Anja de … Artillerie-Unterricht für die Feld- und Gebirgs-Batterien : erste Unterrichts-Classe Proposition de loi tendant à développer le volontariat et à alléger, au profit des classes inférieures, le poids des charges militaires et Proposition de loi … Shrapnel shell manufacture : a comprehensive treatise on the forging, machining and heat-treatment of shells and the manufacture of cartridge cases and fuses for shrapnel … First-class tests and how to pass them / compiled by Imperial Headquarters, Boy Scouts association Notes d'un agent de liasion de la classe 1918 au 18e bataillon de chasseurs a pied : 12 juilliet-11 novembre 1918 / J. Bouis war department technical manual Sleeping car and similar accomodations : class of transportation Military Engineering. Part IV. Bailey Bridge Special Uses. Chapter III. Wet Bridging. Section 1, Sliding Bays, Class 40 and Class 70, WO 7483 finanze della guerra : memoria letta il 25 Giugno 1912 alla classe di scienze morali della R. Accademia delle scienze dell' instituto di Bologna / …